Daniel will be speaking at:
February 21, 2017 - ILANIT conference
February 27, 2017 - Weizmann Institute, ALS conference
June 25, 2017 - Judean Hills, Israel - Nuclear Lamina and Organization Conference
January 27, 2018 - International Congress of Cell Biology, Hyderabad, India
February 21, 2017 - ILANIT conference
February 27, 2017 - Weizmann Institute, ALS conference
June 25, 2017 - Judean Hills, Israel - Nuclear Lamina and Organization Conference
January 27, 2018 - International Congress of Cell Biology, Hyderabad, India

The 2015 prizes for Kaganovich lab members are rolling in!
Congratulations to Triana Amen - Triana received First Place in the Best Poster competition at the EMBO conference on the regulation of aging and proteostasis
Triana also received First Place in the Poster competition for the entire faculty (Life Sciences, Physics, and Mathematics) at Hebrew University
Congratulations to Rivkah Brown - Rivkah received the Eckstein prize for her Masters research, which included a cash prize and an honorary lecture at the institute
The 2015 prizes for Kaganovich lab members are rolling in!
Congratulations to Triana Amen - Triana received First Place in the Best Poster competition at the EMBO conference on the regulation of aging and proteostasis
Triana also received First Place in the Poster competition for the entire faculty (Life Sciences, Physics, and Mathematics) at Hebrew University
Congratulations to Rivkah Brown - Rivkah received the Eckstein prize for her Masters research, which included a cash prize and an honorary lecture at the institute

February 25-26, 2016
February 25-26, 2016

Daniel will be speaking at:
September 7, 2016 - Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
September 12, 2016 - Protein Misfolding Jaques Monod Conference, Brittany, France
September 7, 2016 - Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
September 12, 2016 - Protein Misfolding Jaques Monod Conference, Brittany, France

Important news!
The Kaganovich lab has started roasting coffee beans "in-house." So far this has been very successful. Colleagues and students are encouraged to visit and see for themselves.
The Kaganovich lab has started roasting coffee beans "in-house." So far this has been very successful. Colleagues and students are encouraged to visit and see for themselves.

We are organizing an EMBO workshop on Macromolecular assemblies at the crossroads of stress and function May 31-June4, 2015 in Jerusalem. Details and speaker list will be published soon.
Registration for our EMBO Workshop is now open!!!
Macromolecular assemblies at the crossroads of cell stress and function31 May–4 June 2015 | Jerusalem, Israel
Interested in attending? Visit the website:
Register by: 1 April 2015

Dan will be speaking at:
EMBO Workshop on Macromolecular assemblies at the crossroads of cell stress and function, May 31-June 4, 2015 at the Israel Institute of Advanced Studies,
Givat Ram, Jerusalem
9th European Conference on Intermediate Filaments in Health and Disease, June 24-27, 2015, in Djurönäset, Stockholm, Sweden
EMBO Workshop on Macromolecular assemblies at the crossroads of cell stress and function, May 31-June 4, 2015 at the Israel Institute of Advanced Studies,
Givat Ram, Jerusalem
9th European Conference on Intermediate Filaments in Health and Disease, June 24-27, 2015, in Djurönäset, Stockholm, Sweden

Dan will be speaking at:
EMBO Workshop on Macromolecular assemblies at the crossroads of cell stress and function, May 31-June 4, 2015 at the Israel Institute of Advanced Studies,
Givat Ram, Jerusalem
9th European Conference on Intermediate Filaments in Health and Disease, June 24-27, 2015, in Djurönäset, Stockholm, Sweden
EMBO Workshop on Macromolecular assemblies at the crossroads of cell stress and function, May 31-June 4, 2015 at the Israel Institute of Advanced Studies,
Givat Ram, Jerusalem
9th European Conference on Intermediate Filaments in Health and Disease, June 24-27, 2015, in Djurönäset, Stockholm, Sweden

חג שמח and happy Israel Independence Day from the Kaganovich Lab!!!

Dan will be speaking at:
Gottingen University - Hebrew University joint workshop: Molecular mechanisms in synaptic transmission, sensory transduction, and neurodegeneration October 28-29, 2014
"Tayarut" Hall, floor 0, Hadassah Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Ein Kerem campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7th International Symposium on Heat Shock Proteins in Biology and Medicine on November 3rd, 2014 in Old Town Alexandria (Hilton Alexandria Old Town), Washington DC.
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) Seminar Series November 20th, 2014, MPI-Dresden
EMBO Workshop on Regulation of Aging and Proteostasis February 15-20, 2015 at the Orchid Jerusalem view Hotel (Ma'ale Hachamisha), Israel
ETH Zurich Institute of Biochemistry Postdoc Association-Invited Seminar March 26, 2015
Gottingen University - Hebrew University joint workshop: Molecular mechanisms in synaptic transmission, sensory transduction, and neurodegeneration October 28-29, 2014
"Tayarut" Hall, floor 0, Hadassah Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Ein Kerem campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7th International Symposium on Heat Shock Proteins in Biology and Medicine on November 3rd, 2014 in Old Town Alexandria (Hilton Alexandria Old Town), Washington DC.
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) Seminar Series November 20th, 2014, MPI-Dresden
EMBO Workshop on Regulation of Aging and Proteostasis February 15-20, 2015 at the Orchid Jerusalem view Hotel (Ma'ale Hachamisha), Israel
ETH Zurich Institute of Biochemistry Postdoc Association-Invited Seminar March 26, 2015

חג שמח to everyone from the Kaganovich Lab!!!
Conference! - Israel Live Imaging Forum

Dan will be speaking at the 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Intermediate Filaments on June 16th, in West Dover, Vermont.

In August (18-22) there is going to be a great conference in Sheffield, UK, organized by the Cell Stress Society on the topic of Stress Proteins in Biology and Medicine. Sign up here!

August 2012
Dan Kaganovich and Hali Spokoini are both giving talks at the Adler Symposium in Yeast Biology on August 29th in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Dan Kaganovich and Hali Spokoini are both giving talks at the Adler Symposium in Yeast Biology on August 29th in Gothenburg, Sweden.

June 2012
Dan Kaganovich received a 2012 New Investigator Award in Alzheimer’s Disease from the American Federation for Aging Research. The award will help fund research on the cell biology of protein aggregation in a C. elegans Alzheimer's model. The award is for $100,000. Thank's to everyone who helped with the grant!
Dan Kaganovich received a 2012 New Investigator Award in Alzheimer’s Disease from the American Federation for Aging Research. The award will help fund research on the cell biology of protein aggregation in a C. elegans Alzheimer's model. The award is for $100,000. Thank's to everyone who helped with the grant!

June 2012
Congratulations to Hali Spokoini, Maya Shamir, and Alma Keness on their Journal of Visualize Experiments paper "4D Imaging of Protein Aggregation in Live Cells" which is now In Press!!
Congratulations to Hali Spokoini, Maya Shamir, and Alma Keness on their Journal of Visualize Experiments paper "4D Imaging of Protein Aggregation in Live Cells" which is now In Press!!

Dan is currently at the Keystone Aging meeting and will be in Bloomington, IN January 19-22.

Dan will be in:
Helsinki, Finland - August 8-18
Tallinn, Estonia - August 15-18
Sheffield, UK - August 18-22
Gothenburg, Sweden - August 22-23
Helsinki, Finland - August 8-18
Tallinn, Estonia - August 15-18
Sheffield, UK - August 18-22
Gothenburg, Sweden - August 22-23

Dan will be in:
Florence, Italy March 6-10 speaking the ADPD Conference.
Coimbra, Portugal April 1-6 teaching a course at the Univeristy of Coimbra.
Santa Barbara, California June 1-4 for the AFAR conference.
Florence, Italy March 6-10 speaking the ADPD Conference.
Coimbra, Portugal April 1-6 teaching a course at the Univeristy of Coimbra.
Santa Barbara, California June 1-4 for the AFAR conference.

Israel Biophysical Society Meeting
Israel Biophysical Society Meeting

Dan is giving a talk at the Keystone Conference on Sirtuins in Metabolism Aging and Disease on February 13th.
He will also be visiting the University of Reno and the Boston University Medical School along the way.
He will also be visiting the University of Reno and the Boston University Medical School along the way.

July 2012
Margaret Cuniff from MIT joins the lab as a summer student.
Margaret Cuniff from MIT joins the lab as a summer student.

November 1, 2011
Big developments in the lab with the start of the new school year!
Hali Spokoini and Ayelet-chen Werdiger are starting their PhDs while Alma Keness and Meytal Waiss are now Masters students. We wish our new graduate students an exciting, fun, fulfilling, and successful degree and can't wait to see where their projects will take them in the coming year!
Big developments in the lab with the start of the new school year!
Hali Spokoini and Ayelet-chen Werdiger are starting their PhDs while Alma Keness and Meytal Waiss are now Masters students. We wish our new graduate students an exciting, fun, fulfilling, and successful degree and can't wait to see where their projects will take them in the coming year!

שנה טובה and חג שמח to everyone from the Kaganovich Lab!!!

August 2011
We are excited to have Noam Eichler join the lab!
We are excited to have Noam Eichler join the lab!

August 2011: Travel Plans
Dan will be traveling to Quebec City to speak at the International Congress on Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine August 21-25. He will also be visiting Philadelphia and New York after the conference.
Dan will be traveling to Quebec City to speak at the International Congress on Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine August 21-25. He will also be visiting Philadelphia and New York after the conference.

Summer Plans
We're excited to have Rebecca Khalandovsky from Princeton University and Sarah Kornblau from New York visiting the lab over the summer for summer research projects. Also Jeremy England, our collaborator from MIT will be in the lab in June and July.
We're excited to have Rebecca Khalandovsky from Princeton University and Sarah Kornblau from New York visiting the lab over the summer for summer research projects. Also Jeremy England, our collaborator from MIT will be in the lab in June and July.

June 2011
Our labwarming party is going to be at 12pm (noon) on Sunday June 5, in our new lab.
Everyone is invited!!!
Our labwarming party is going to be at 12pm (noon) on Sunday June 5, in our new lab.
Everyone is invited!!!

May 2011
Our collaborative project with the Ehud Cohen lab was just published in the Journal of Cell Science. Congratulations to the authors and to Roman Lyakhovetsky for his contribution to the manuscript!
Our collaborative project with the Ehud Cohen lab was just published in the Journal of Cell Science. Congratulations to the authors and to Roman Lyakhovetsky for his contribution to the manuscript!

April 2011
Our lab renovation is officially completed!!! Come visit us!
Our lab renovation is officially completed!!! Come visit us!

January 2011
Our paper in collaboration with Jeremy England was published in FEBS Letters.