Ehud Cohen - Hebrew University of JerusalemWe work with the Cohen lab to investigate the role of aging in protein folding quality control, protein aggregation, and inclusion formation. We recently published a paper together on the relationship between aggregates of Prion protein, which the Cohen lab has been working on, and cellular aggregate inclusions such as the JUNQ and the IPOD.
Koby Nahmias - Hebrew University of JerusalemWe are working together with the Nahmias lab to design and implement new microfluidics devices to help us with specific cell biology applications.
Maya Schuldiner - Weizmann Institute of ScienceThe Schuldiner lab applies high-throughput robotic microscopy screening to a number of genetic and cell biological problems. We are working together on understanding certain aspects of inclusions biogenesis, organization, and inclusion cell biology.
Jeremy England - MITJeremy England is a theoretical biophysicist with a new lab at MIT and an interest in protein folding, aggregation, and protein diffusion in the cytosol. We are developing collaborations on a number of questions, including the relationship between a proteins amino-acid sequence and its ability to fold or misfold, and the spatial organization of proteins in the cytosol of a living cell.
Irit Sagi - Weizmann Institute of ScienceWe are working with the Sagi lab on the cell biology of Abeta peptide aggregation in order to better understand its role in Alzheimer's Disease.
Yoav Soen - Weizmann Institute of ScienceThe Soen lab has developed some cutting edge cell biological and molecular biological approaches and we are working with them to study protein aggregation.