Extraction of genomic DNA from C.elegans using Qiagen kit
Seeding of OP50 bacterial culture on the NGM plates
DAY 1 (afternoon)
DAY 2 (next morning)
Short cut Bleaching C. elegans
Bleach Solution (freshly pepared)
500 ul of 1 N NaOH
416 ul of 6% bleach
80 ul sdw
1 ml bleach solution.
Add a drop at seeded plate in the corner
Put worms in the drop
Worm open up and release eggs
Decontamination or Bleaching of worms
- Collect worms from one 60mm/ two 35mm petri plates in dH2O or M9 buffer and transfer to 15ml tube.
- Pellet down the worms by centrifugation at 2500 rpm at room temperature for 30 seconds.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 twice.
- Wash with M9 buffer/dH2O twice.
- Remove the supernatant and re-suspend the worms in 200ul of ATL buffer (Kit).
- Transfer the worms to a 1.5ml Eppendorf tube. Incubate at -80 ᴼC overnight
- Follow 3 cycles of Freeze (-20ᴼC)/thaw (37ᴼC).
- Add 20ul of Proteinase K (Kit) and incubate at 56ᴼC for 3 hours. Vortex in between.
- (Optional step)Add 8ul of RNAse A (not in Kit) (50 mg/ml) and incubate at room temperature for 5 min.
- Add 200ul of AL buffer (Kit) and mix/vortex. Incubate for 10 min at 56ᴼC.
- Add 200ul of ethanol (100%) (not in Kit) and mix/vortex.
- Pipet the mixture into a DNeasy Mini spin column placed in a 2ml collection tube (KIT). Centrifuge at 8,000rpm for 1 min at RT. Discard flow-through.
- Add 500ul AW1 buffer (Kit). Centrifuge at 8,000rpm for 1 min at RT. Discard flow-through.
- Add 500ul AW2 buffer (Kit). Centrifuge at 14,000rpm) for 3min to dry the column membrane. Discard flow-through and collection tube. Spin for 2 min to get rid of wash buffer AW2
- Place the column in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube and pipet 50ul of sterile dH2O/ AE buffer (Kit) (or 1X TE) directly in the middle of the membrane. Incubate at room temperature for 1 min and then centrifuge for 1 min at 8,000 rpm at RT to elute.
- Repeat the step 15 by adding another 50ul of sterile dH2O/ AE buffer (or 1X TE) directly onto the membrane in the same Eppendorf tube.
- Check quality and quantity of DNA on agarose gel. This procedure yields around 20-30ng/ul of DNA.
- Store the DNA at 4ᴼC no freezing required, it is good for PCR application.
Seeding of OP50 bacterial culture on the NGM plates
DAY 1 (afternoon)
- OP50 requirements: 50ul for 35mm plate, and 100ul for 60mm plates.
- Inoculation of OP50 in the desired volume of LB.
- Grow overnight at 37oC with agitation at 220 RPM.
DAY 2 (next morning)
- Using sterile tips, pipette 50/100ul of the OP50 culture in the center of a NGM plate.
- Spread the drop evenly, without reaching to the edge of the plate (see below).
- Dry them at RT for 30-60 minutes. Can be stored at RT or 4oC in air tight packet.
Short cut Bleaching C. elegans
Bleach Solution (freshly pepared)
500 ul of 1 N NaOH
416 ul of 6% bleach
80 ul sdw
1 ml bleach solution.
Add a drop at seeded plate in the corner
Put worms in the drop
Worm open up and release eggs
Decontamination or Bleaching of worms
- NaOH 10N or KOH 5M
- Bleach (Sodium hypochlorite)
- NGM plates (with OP50)
- ddH2O/M9 sterile/filtered
- Collect worms from the plates in ddH2O/M9 buffer and transfer to a 15ml tube. Let the worms settle. Spin at 2500rpm for 1 min, Repeat 3 times with ddH2O/M9 buffer.
- Transfer to 1.5 ml tube in 3.75ml of ddH2O or M9.
- NaOH/bleach solution must be prepared fresh
- Mix 0.25ml of NaOH 10N or 500 ul of 5M KOH with 1ml of bleach. Add to worm solution. Vortex briefly.
- Incubate at room temperature until worms are no longer visible or moving with the naked eye (usually 4-6 minutes). Vortex briefly every minute. Not beyond 10 min.
- Centrifuge 1min at 1200g. Remove supernatant. Wash with M9 buffer
- Repeat step 3-5 times.
- After the last wash, leave approx. 100 ul above the egg pellet in M9 buffer.
- Pipette drop of it at the side of a NGM petri, Leave at RT for 15 min to dry up
- Grow it overnight at 20oC.